Samsung launched its T5 portable SSD in India back in August as the successor to its T3 SSD that was launched last year. It has the same compact design, but is faster and comes with a full metal body. We recently unboxed it. Check out the video.
Tag: Samsung T5 SSD
Samsung T5 portable SSD with USB Type-C, up to 540MBps transfer speed announced
Samsung has announced T5, successor of last year’s T3 portable SSD. It has the same compact design and weighs just 51 grams, but this offers up to 540 MB/s transfer speed and uses USB 3.1 Gen 2 (10Gbps) interface compared to up to 450MB/s transfer speed and USB 3.1 Gen 1 (5Gbps) interface. It also has a full metal body unlike the predecessor that had plastic caps. Continue reading “Samsung T5 portable SSD with USB Type-C, up to 540MBps transfer speed announced”