This week, Xiaomi launched Mi Max 2 in India, LG announced Q8, a smaller version of the V20 smartphone, Sony launched Xperia XA1 Ultra. Let’s take a look at all the important launches and announcements that took place this week. Continue reading “Weekly update – Xiaomi Mi Max 2, LG Q8, Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra, Xiaomi Mi TV 4A and more”
Tag: Sennheiser CX 7.00BT
Sennheiser CX 7.00BT in-ear wireless headset with apt-X, NFC launched in India for Rs. 11990
Sennheiser has launched CX 7.00BT, its latest neckband style wireless headset with Bluetooth 4.1 and Qualcomm apt-X for true Hi-Fi sound. It also has NFC support for one-touch pairing. Continue reading “Sennheiser CX 7.00BT in-ear wireless headset with apt-X, NFC launched in India for Rs. 11990”