Download ShoZu for Nokia 5800

ShoZu has released its mobile application for the Nokia touchscreen phones, Nokia 5800 and Nokia N97. For those who are still wondering what Shozu is, its an application that lets you share your photos or videos on mobile to most of the online networking sites, photo galleries, blogs, email, etc. with a simple mobile interface.

ShoZu supports more than sites, including the likes of Facebook, Flickr, twitter, YouTube, etc. It also has support for Ovi, so you do not need multiple clients for your Nokia phone. Continue reading “Download ShoZu for Nokia 5800”

10 Free Must Have Mobile Applications for Symbian S60 in 2009

The number of users using S60 phones NSeries , Eseries is growing fast . If  you using a N73 .. N81 , N82 or E61i, E71 type of phone you are part of the gang !

Glenn Letham at SymbianOne has put up an interesting list of Top 10 must have mobile applications for Symbian S60 phones to kick off the new year 2009 .. The best part is that most of the apps are free to download .. So What are you waiting for ?

Video and Media Sharing

qik , are video sharing / steaming apps

Twitter and microblogging

if you are a twitter user and would like to inform the world what your are doing rite now in under 160 characters .. then these tools may be useful to u – unfortunately this service will be closed down soon.
Follow us on Twitter

Continue reading “10 Free Must Have Mobile Applications for Symbian S60 in 2009”

Youtube expands mobile version and launches Java App

Google’s Youtube has expanded its mobile version by offering its large video collection at

youtube mobile

Until recently only a limited subset of the entire database was available on the mobile version.

FREE Youtube JAVA Application 

They have also announced a J2ME Java Application which lets users play videos without downloading them directly. But the sad news is that application is available only for Nokia’s N73, N95, E65, 6110, 6120 and SonyEricsson k800 and w880. But it should work pretty fine on any J2ME MIDP2.0 Phone . Continue reading “Youtube expands mobile version and launches Java App”

3 Killer Mobile Apps


Shozu is a free app to upload photos and videos from your mobile phone.

Its supports Flickr, WordPress, Blogger,Youtube , TypePad and a variety of services.

It also offers Contact backups

Its assisted by timely SMS alerts when the transfers fail or when you move out on roaming.

Gmail Mobile


Google’s J2ME client for its free Gmail service is one of the best mobile email clients out there.

  • automatic pre-fetching of messages
  • Slick and user friendly inteface
  • Attachments support for files and photos, viewable and automatically resized to fit the user’s phone

Just goto on your mobile browser to download the client which is about 130KB in size

Continue reading “3 Killer Mobile Apps”