Samsung Lists Devices Eligible for Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Samsung Italy has reportedly mentioned which of their devices will be getting an upgrade to the latest version of Google’s Android OS – Ice Cream Sandwich. Continue reading “Samsung Lists Devices Eligible for Android Ice Cream Sandwich”

Samsung Sells Over 10 Million Galaxy S II Phones

It has been around 5 months since the release of the Samsung Galaxy S II and within this time Samsung has managed to sell over 10 million units of handset. This makes it the fastest selling Samsung device.

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Samsung Galaxy S II White Edition Now Available

The White Version of the Samsung Galaxy S II was launched officially in the UK yesterday. But still many shops are yet to receive it. But we have good news for those who want to purchase one.

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Samsung Galaxy S II 32GB Variant Spotted

So far the Samsung Galaxy S II has been enjoying incredible sales and with the white version coming soon, the numbers are only set to increase. But even the white one is expected to come in 16GB version. The 32GB version that was promised during the announcement is still unavailable.

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Samsung Releases Pleomax Covers for Galaxy S II

Samsung and Pleomax have announced the launch of a new soft and durable range of covers for the Galaxy S II. Pleomax is a Samsung brand that manufactures PC accessories such as keyboards, mouses, writable media etc.

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David Beckham Becomes Samsung Olympic Games Ambassador

Samsung has just hired international footballer and cultural icon David Beckham as their Olympics Games Ambassador. He will be the Games Ambassador for the Olympics taking place in London next year.

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Samsung Galaxy S II USA Variants Revealed

Samsung has already released their flagship Galaxy S II in most of Europe and Asia. but it has yet to hit the North American market. The picture above shows a leak stating the three variants of the Galaxy S II in USA.

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Samsung Galaxy S II Drop Tests

Most of us would be trying to get our hands on the new Samsung Galaxy S II and the ones who have got it are taking good care of it and enjoying themselves. But the people behind this video seem to be enjoying themselves as well but by testing the Samsung Galaxy S II through a series of drops.

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