Samsung is gearing up to launch its Galaxy S25 flagship series in January next year, with all models expected to exclusively use Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chip, according to a report from Hankyung, a Korean media outlet, aligning with an earlier report by Kuo. Continue reading “Samsung said to use Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 across Galaxy S25 lineup, says another report”
Tag: Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 Galaxy S25 Series
Samsung refutes 3nm chip defect claims; rumored to be considering MediaTek SoC for Galaxy S25
Samsung has denied rumors of defects in its 3-nanometer (3nm) foundry process, calling the claims “groundless.” Continue reading “Samsung refutes 3nm chip defect claims; rumored to be considering MediaTek SoC for Galaxy S25”