Samsung is expected to introduce Galaxy S21, S21+ and S21 Ultra smartphones in a couple of months. After the renders that surfaced last month, detailed specifications of the phone have surfaced. This reveals FHD+ Infinity-O LTPS display with 120Hz refresh rate for both the S21 and S21+ smartphones, and 6.8-inch Quad HD+ Quad HD+ LTPO display with an adaptive refresh rate of 1hz to 120hz. These are said to be powered by upcoming Snapdragon 875 or Exynos 2100 depending on the market. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21+ and Galaxy S21 Ultra detailed specs surface”
Tag: Snapdragon 875
LG may not launch Snapdragon 875-powered phone in first half of 2021
LG introduced its V60 ThinQ 5G smartphone powered by Snapdragon 865 earlier this year. Now a new report from Korea says that the company might not use the upcoming flagship Snapdragon 875 for its flagship smartphone in the first half of 2021. The report claims that LG is missing from the list of companies that have placed orders for the flagship Qualcomm SoC. Continue reading “LG may not launch Snapdragon 875-powered phone in first half of 2021”