Sony India has introduced the INZONE H5 wireless headset, developed in collaboration with the esports team Fnatic. This gaming headset boasts precision-engineered 360 Spatial Sound for 3D sound positioning, enhancing your gaming advantage. Continue reading “Sony INZONE H5 Gaming Headset launched in India”
Tag: Sony INZONE Gaming Headphones price India
Sony INZONE H9, H7 and H3 Gaming Headsets launched in India
Today, Sony India has launched INZONE, a new line of PC gaming accessories that enhance the senses as well as gaming ability, after these were introduced in June. The INZONE headset collection will include three new wireless models, including the INZONE H9 with a battery life of 32 hours and the INZONE H7 with a battery life of 40 hours, as well as a tethered model, the INZONE H3. Continue reading “Sony INZONE H9, H7 and H3 Gaming Headsets launched in India”