After rumours, Sony introduced the Xperia Ace III smartphone last month. Now it has started rolling out the phone in Japan. It packs a 5.5-inch HD+ display with an 5MP camera inside the notch, is powered by Snapdragon 480 SoC and runs Android 12. The phone has a 13MP rear camera, comes with a side-mounted fingerprint sensor, and packs a 4500mAh battery with support for fast charging. Continue reading “Sony Xperia Ace III with 5.5″ display, Snapdragon 480, waterproof body starts rolling out”
Tag: Sony Xperia Ace III
Sony Xperia Ace III with 5.5″ display surfaces in renders
Sony Xperia Ace III, a new phone in the Xperia Ace series, has surfaced in renders, thanks to @OnLeaks. The successor to last year’s Xperia Ace II is not expected to see a major change, since this is said to retain the 5.5″ flat screen with a waterdrop notch selfie camera and a side-mounted fingerprint scanner. Continue reading “Sony Xperia Ace III with 5.5″ display surfaces in renders”