Sony launched the Xperia E1 and Xperia E1 dual in India earlier this month. The Xperia E1 dual went on sale in India at a price tag of Rs. 9,400, now the Xperia E1 is now available from online retailer Infibeam for Rs. 8,980. It has a 4-inch (480 x 800 pixels) display, powered by a 1.2 GHz dual-core Snapdragon 200 processor and runs on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean). It has a 3-megapixel rear camera, but lacks a front-facing camera. Continue reading “Sony Xperia E1 goes on sale in India for Rs. 8980”
Tag: Sony Xperia E1
Sony Xperia E1 and Xperia E1 Dual launched in India for Rs. 9490 and Rs. 10490
Sony Mobile has launched the Xperia E1 and Xperia E1 dual in India. These smartphones were announced back in January and packs a 4-inch (480 x 800 pixels) touch screen display, powered by a 1.2 GHz dual-core Snapdragon 200 processor and runs on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean). These have a 3-megapixel rear camera and offer 100dB loud audio output through rear speakers. These have Walkman key, shake to shuffle and hardware controls for easy music control. Continue reading “Sony Xperia E1 and Xperia E1 Dual launched in India for Rs. 9490 and Rs. 10490”
Sony Xperia E1 with 1.2Ghz dual core processor, 4inch WVGA display announced
Sony’s brand new launch, the Xperia E1 is its latest entrant into the mid range segment. Aimed at competing in the entry level, budget segment, the Xperia E1 is the successor to the fairly popular Xperia E that was launched last year. Continue reading “Sony Xperia E1 with 1.2Ghz dual core processor, 4inch WVGA display announced”
Sony Xperia E1 and Xperia E1 dual spotted at FCC
Sony is preparing successors for last year’s Xperia E and E dual. The Xperia E1 and Xperia E1 dual has cleared FCC, as spotted by Xperia Blog. Codenames of upcoming Sony smartphones – D200X (D2004, D2005) and D210X (D2104, D2105) appeared online recently, and these upcoming Xperia smartphones have codes names Falcon SS (D200X) and Falcon DS (D210X), respectively, as mentioned on the FCC. Continue reading “Sony Xperia E1 and Xperia E1 dual spotted at FCC”