Sony Xperia Neo L successor of the Xperia Neo V, that was announced in China earlier this March is now on pre-order in India from online retailer Flipkart. It has 4-inch (480 x 854) TFT display and is powered by 1 GHz single-core processor, Adreno 205 GPU. It runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and has 5MP auto focus camera with LED flash and 720p video recording and VGA front-facing video calling camera. Continue reading “Sony Xperia Neo L up for pre-order in India for Rs. 18499”
Tag: Sony Xperia neo L
Sony Xperia neo L with Android 4.0, 4-inch display announced in China
Sony Mobile has announced the Xperia neo L (MT25i), their first smartphone to run Android 4.0 out of the box in China. It has 4-inch (480 x 854) TFT display and is powered by 1 GHz processor along with Adreno 205 GPU. It runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and has 5MP auto focus camera with LED flash and 720p video recording, secondary VGA video calling camera. The design is similar to the Xperia Play sans joystick and has 4 physical buttons below the display. Continue reading “Sony Xperia neo L with Android 4.0, 4-inch display announced in China”