Sony Mobile has cut the price of Xperia XA1 and Xperia XA1 Ultra smartphone in India by Rs. 2000. The XA1 that was launched back in April for Rs. 19,990, is now available for Rs. 17,990 and the XA1 Ultra that was launched for Rs. 29,990 in July now costs Rs. 27,990. Continue reading “Sony Xperia XA1 and Xperia XA1 Ultra get a price cut in India”
Tag: Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra price
Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra with 6-inch 1080p display, 16MP front camera launched in India for Rs. 29990
Sony just launched Xperia XA1 Ultra successor of last year’s Xperia XA Ultra in India. It was introduced at the MWC earlier this year, has the same 6-inch 1080p display and a 2700mAh battery as the predecessor, but this is powered by an Octa-Core MediaTek Helio P20 processor and runs on Android 7.0 (Nougat).