Sony Mobile just announced the Xperia XZ3, the company’s latest flagship smartphone at the IFA, as expected. It has a 6-inch QHD+ P-OLED 18:9 aspect ratio display, is powered by an Octa-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 Mobile Platform and runs Android 9.0 (Pie). It has a new Dual Motion Eye camera with 19-megapixel 1/ 2.3″ Exmor RS memory stacked sensor, 960 fps super slow motion videos (FHD/HD), Predictive Capture, Anti-distortion shutter, Triple image sensing technology and 5-axis image stabilization for shake-free videos. Continue reading “Sony Xperia XZ3 with 6-inch QHD+ OLED HDR display, Snapdragon 845, Dynamic Vibration System, Android 9.0 (Pie) announced”