Sony Mobile has launched the Xperia XZs, successor of last year’s Xperia XZ in India, as it had promised. It was introduced at the MWC 2017 in Barcelona last month, and packs a 5.2-inch 1080p screen and Snapdragon 820 processor, same as the predecessor, but this runs on Android 7.1 (Nougat) and comes with a new 19-megapixel Motion Eye camera with 1/ 2.3″ Exmor RS memory stacked sensor, 960 fps super slow motion videos, Predictive Capture, Anti-distortion shutter, Triple image sensing technology and 5-axis image stabilization for shake-free videos. Continue reading “Sony Xperia XZs with 19MP Motion Eye camera, Water-resistant body launched in India for Rs. 49990”