Sony has launched the Xperia Z3, the company’s latest flagship smartphone in India, as expected. It was unveiled at the IFA 2014 earlier this month. Even though the 5.2-inch 1080p display and the 20.7-megapixel rear camera with 1/2.3″ Sony Exmor RS image sensor are similar to the Xperia Z2, the Xperia Z3 has a more brighter screen, powered by a slightly faster Snapdragon 801 SoC and runs on Android 4.4.4 (KitKat) out of the box. It also has a new curved design and is just 7.3mm thick. Continue reading “Sony Xperia Z3 launched in India for Rs. 51990”
Tag: Sony Xperia Z3
Sony Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact launching in India on September 25th
Sony was expected to launch the Xperia Z3 in India last week, but it didn’t happen. Today the company has sent out invites for a launch event in India on September 25th. It is expected to launch both the Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact at the event later this week. The Sony Xperia Z3 is powered by a slightly faster Snapdragon 801 SoC, has a more rounded sides and runs on Android 4.4.4 (KitKat) out of the box, compared to the Xperia Z2. The Xperia Z3 compact also has upgraded specifications compared to the Z1 Compact. Continue reading “Sony Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact launching in India on September 25th”
Sony Xperia Z3 launching in India on September 19 [Update]
Sony is all set to launch the Xperia Z3, the company’s latest flagship smartphone in India on September 19th. It was unveiled at the IFA 2014 earlier this month and is currently on pre-order across several countries worldwide. Even though the display and the camera are similar to the Xperia Z2, the Xperia Z3 has a more brighter screen, powered by a slightly faster Snapdragon 801 SoC and runs on Android 4.4.4 (KitKat) out of the box. Continue reading “Sony Xperia Z3 launching in India on September 19 [Update]”
Sony Xperia Z3 with 5.2-inch 1080p display, Snapdragon 801 processor announced
Sony mobile has just announced the Xperia Z3, the company’s latest flagship at the IFA 2014. It has the same 5.2-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Triluminos Display with Live Colour LED powered by X-Reality similar to the Z2, but the screen is more brighter 600 cd brightness and has smaller bezels on the sides. It also has curved design and is just 7.3mm thick. Continue reading “Sony Xperia Z3 with 5.2-inch 1080p display, Snapdragon 801 processor announced”
Sony Xperia Z3 gets certified in China
Sony Xperia Z3 had already surfaced in live images. Specifications of the global variant of the Xperia Z3 (D6653) showed up last month. Now the Xperia Z3 L55t for China Mobile and L55u for China Unicom have been certified by TENAA. This reveals the dimensions of the smartphone as 146.5×72.4×7.35mm and weight as 158.4g. This makes it smaller and lighter than the company’s current flagship, the Xperia Z2. Continue reading “Sony Xperia Z3 gets certified in China”
Sony Xperia Z3 specifications surface – 5.15-inch 1080p display and Snapdragon 801 SoC
Rumors about the Sony Xperia Z3 (D6653) started few weeks back. Earlier this month a screenshot from the smartphone revealed the model number, Snapdragon 801 processor, 1080p display and Android 4.4 (KitKat) OS. Now @evleaks has revealed more details about the smartphone. According to the leak, the smartphone would feature a 5.15-inch 1080p display, 20.7-megapixel rear camera with Sony G lens and a 2.1-megapixel front-facing camera.
Sony Xperia Z3 showed off in new leaked images
Earlier this month, alleged screenshots from the Sony Xperia Z3 and the Xperia Z3 Compact had surfaced online. Today, a new set of photos of the Xperia Z3 have emerged that shows the more new flagship smartphone from Sony.
Continue reading “Sony Xperia Z3 showed off in new leaked images”