Sony Xperia ZR that went on pre-order online last week is now available for purchase from online retailers in India. The durable smartphones was announced last month and has IP55 and IP58 ratings for dust and water resistance. It has a 4.55-inch HD (1280×720 pixels) Reality display with mobile Bravia Engine 2 and is powered by 1.5GHz quad-core Qualcomm APQ 8064 processor with Adreno 320 GPU and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). It packs a 13-megapixel auto focus rear camera with LED Flash, Exmor RS sensor for HDR images and offers underwater image and video capture since it is water resistant up to 1.50 meters for up to 30 minutes. It has a 0.3-megapixel front-facing camera. Continue reading “Sony Xperia ZR now available in India for Rs. 29990”
Tag: Sony Xperia ZR India price
Sony Xperia ZR up for pre-order in India at Rs. 29990
Sony Xperia ZR durable phone that was announced last month is now on pre-order from online retailers Flipkart and Infibeam. It has a 4.55-inch HD (1280×720 pixels) Reality display with mobile Bravia Engine 2 and is powered by 1.5GHz quad-core Qualcomm APQ 8064 processor with Adreno 320 GPU and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). It has IP55 and IP58 ratings for dust and water resistance. It packs a 13-megapixel auto focus rear camera with LED Flash, Exmor RS sensor for HDR images and offers underwater image and video capture since it is water resistant up to 1.50 meters for up to 30 minutes.
Continue reading “Sony Xperia ZR up for pre-order in India at Rs. 29990”