Snap Inc. the makers of Snapchat are finally launching its Spectacles 2 and Spectacles 3 with built-in camera in India on Flipkart on July 4th priced at Rs. 14,999 and Rs. 29,999, respectively. There is also dedicated India website that lists the features and the specifications. These are currently sold in the US for $150 (Rs. 11,345 approx.) and $380 (Rs. 28,740 approx.), respectively. Continue reading “Spectacles 2 and Spectacles 3 by Snapchat launching in India on July 4th starting at Rs. 14999”
Tag: Spectacles 2
Snap’s Spectacles 2 gets two new fashionable styles
After over four months of the introduction of its second-generation Spectacles with water-resistant design and smaller profile, Snap Inc. has introduced two new styles of Spectacles: Nico and Veronica. These come in black-on-black with polarized lenses. Continue reading “Snap’s Spectacles 2 gets two new fashionable styles”
Snap’s new Spectacles is water-resistant, has slimmer profile, improved audio
Snap Inc. unveiled its Spectacles with built-in camera back in September 2016. Today, after rumors and FCC certification, it has unveiled new Spectacles, which is now water-resistant, so you can use them in the rain — or even take a photo or video in shallow water. It also comes in a smaller profile, since the temple area of the frame is 30% smaller compared to the predecessor.
Continue reading “Snap’s new Spectacles is water-resistant, has slimmer profile, improved audio”