Swipe Technologies has launched ELITE, the company’s first smartphone in the online-only Elite sub-brand, exclusively on Flipkart, as it promised. It packs a 5-inch HD 2.5D cured glass display with 2mm narrow bezel, is powered by 1.3 GHz quad-core processor and runs on Android 5.0 (Lollipop) with Swipe’s own Freedom OS. It has a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and a 8-megapixel front-facing camera. It has dual SIM support and 3G connectivity, similar to most other Swipe smartphones. Continue reading “Swipe ELITE with 5-inch HD display, 2GB RAM, 13MP camera launched for Rs. 5999”
Tag: Swipe Elite
Swipe announces online-only brand Elite, first smartphone coming in August
Swipe Telecom has announced a new online-only sub-brand called Elite, which will include premium smartphones. The first Elife series smartphones will be priced between Rs. 5,000 and Rs, 15,000, and the first Elite smartphone will launch in August, said the company. Continue reading “Swipe announces online-only brand Elite, first smartphone coming in August”