iFrogz Tadpole Active Review – Wireless Bluetooth Speaker

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One of the main purposes of our smartphones these days is content consumption and a large portion of that is for media be it audio or visual. While many smartphone manufacturers go a long way and try to integrate high end screen with eye-bleeding sharpness and vividness etc, most of them fail to deliver in terms of audio. There are maybe a handful of phones that come with good quality and powerful speaker but in the pursuit of “thin-ness”, most smartphones have feeble loudspeakers that really take away the whole experience of entertainment unless you are using a headset. So what do you do, when you want to share that same content with your friends or family for example? A speaker is the best solution and that too a wireless one that gives you the most freedom. The iFrogz Tadpole Active is one such speaker that is aimed at providing good quality audio in a tiny package. Let’s dive into the review to see how the device performs.

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