The Tamil Nadu government officially notified the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Online Gambling and Regulation of Online Games Bill on Monday, after it received assent from the state governor, RN Ravi. Continue reading “Tamil Nadu: New online gambling law imposes heavy fines, imprisonment”
Tag: Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu Government to provide Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) under Centre’s BharatNet Scheme
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has announced a decision to provide Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) to all households in the state, making use of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) licence obtained by the Tamil Nadu Arasu Cable TV Corporation.
Uber signs MoU with Tamil Nadu Government to add over 30K drivers
Continuing its aggressive expansion and investment in India, online taxi hailing service Uber has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Tamil Nadu government to create over 30,000 jobs.
Continue reading “Uber signs MoU with Tamil Nadu Government to add over 30K drivers”