TCL has launched new C715 and C815 series of 4K QLED smart Android TVs, X915 its first 8K QLED Android smart TV and P715 4K UHD series in India. All the QLED models have support for voice control, Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision. The C815 and X915 TVs come with MEMC and 50W Onkyo Soundbar with 4 units for bass + 4 passive radiator and the C715 series comes with 30w box speakers. TCL has partnered with Amazon Prime Video, Hungama, Eros Now, MXPlayer and others for 1 million hours of content. Continue reading “TCL launches new 4K and 8K QLED TVs with 50W Onkyo Soundbar, Dolby Vision, Dolby Atmos in India”