TECNO Mobile has launched the TECNO POP 6 Pro, the company’s next budget smartphone in India, after teasing it last week. It has a 6.56 HD+ display with 120Hz touch sampling rate, is powered by 2GHz Quad-Core MediaTek Helio A22 processor with 2GB of RAM, packs an 8-megapixel rear camera along with an AI lens. Continue reading “TECNO POP 6 Pro with 6.56″ HD+ display, 5000mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 6,099”
Tag: TECNO POP 6 Pro
TECNO POP 6 Pro with 6.56″ HD+ display, 5000mAh battery teased ahead of India launch
TECNO Mobile has started teasing the POP 6 Pro, the company’s next budget smartphone and the successor to last year’s POP 5 Pro in India. The company has also confirmed the specifications of the phone, including a 6.56″ HD+ Dot Notch display with a 2.5D curved glass. Continue reading “TECNO POP 6 Pro with 6.56″ HD+ display, 5000mAh battery teased ahead of India launch”