After teasers, TECNO has launched the POVA 4 smartphone in India. It has a 6.82-inch HD+ screen with 90Hz refresh rate, replaces the Helio G88 SoC in the POVA 3 with the latest Helio G99 SoC, and it has 8GB of RAM with 5GB of additional RAM with memory fusion. Continue reading “TECNO POVA 4 with Helio G99, 6000mAh battery launched in India at an introductory price of Rs. 11999”
TECNO POVA 4 with Helio G99, 6000mAh battery teased ahead of India launch
TECNO Mobiles has started teasing the launch of POVA 4 as the successor to POVA 3 in India. The POVA 4 series was introduced last month as one of the first phones to be powered by MediaTek Helio G99 SoC. Continue reading “TECNO POVA 4 with Helio G99, 6000mAh battery teased ahead of India launch”
TECNO POVA 4 Pro with 6.66″ FHD+ 90Hz AMOLED display, Helio G99, 8GB RAM, 6000mAh battery announced
TECNO Mobiles has announced its POVA 4 series that includes POVA 4 and POVA 4 Pro as the successor to POVA 3 which was introduced earlier this year. The POVA 4 has a 6.82-inch HD+ screen and the Pro version has a 6.6-inch FHD+ AMOLED screen, both with 90Hz refresh rate. Continue reading “TECNO POVA 4 Pro with 6.66″ FHD+ 90Hz AMOLED display, Helio G99, 8GB RAM, 6000mAh battery announced”