TECNO has launched the Spark 30C 5G, the company’s latest budget 5G smartphone in India, as it had promised. It packs a 6.67″ Dot-In HD+ 120Hz display and Dynamic Port feature for notifications. Continue reading “TECNO Spark 30C 5G with 6.67″ 120Hz display, Dimensity 6300 launched in India”
Tag: TECNO Spark 30C 5G
TECNO Spark 30C 5G launching in India on October 8
TECNO has confirmed the launch of TECNO Spark 30C 5G smartphone in India on October 8th, after it was introduced as a part of Spark 30 series last week. It has a tag line, “Crazily Reliable.” Continue reading “TECNO Spark 30C 5G launching in India on October 8”