Telegram CEO and Founder Pavel Durov in a blogpost announced that Telegram has added 25 million new users globally in the last 72 hours alone. It surpassed 500 million monthly active users in the first week of January. The new rise is due to the new update to WhatsApp’s privacy policy which the company clarified later after backlash from people. Several users moved to Telegram and Signal. Continue reading “Telegram adds 25 million new users in 72 hours, surpasses 500 million active users”
Tag: Telegram
Telegram v6.3.0 update brings up to 2GB file sharing, profile videos, mini chat list thumbnails and more
Telegram has released a new update for their app, bringing the version to 6.3.0. The update brings a bunch of new features like the ability to add profile videos, improved People Nearby, increased size limit to 2GB when sharing files, mini chat thumbnails, group stats and more.
How to transfer channel or group ownership in Telegram
As we all know by now, Telegram is a messaging app works similarly to WhatsApp, Signal, and Facebook Messenger. Founded by brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov, people behind Russian social network VK, this messaging platform comes equipped with an array of innovative and useful features.
Last year, Telegram released a slew of updates for its Android and iOS users bringing the ability to transfer group ownership, among others.
Through this feature, admin can choose to transfer the powers of a group or channel to another administrator id they wish to. Also, there is an option called ‘Transfer Ownership’, which allows users to change the owner easily. Continue reading “How to transfer channel or group ownership in Telegram”
Media File Jacking security flaw affects WhatsApp and Telegram media files on Android devices
According to new research by Symantec, a new security flaw called ‘Media File Jacking’ could expose WhatsApp and Telegram media files on Android devices and it could be manipulated by malicious actors too. The media files and sensitive information could be misused if the security flaw is exploited.
Telegram update provide users with complete control over their private conversation
In a recent development, Telegram, a cloud-based instant messaging and voice over IP service has introduced new features in an attempt to provide users with complete control over their private conversation. Continue reading “Telegram update provide users with complete control over their private conversation”
Facebook said to be in talks with crypto exchanges for listing its crypto coin for WhatsApp
Facebook, Instagram, Signal are said to be planning to roll out new cryptocurrencies over the next year which are aimed at allowing users to send money to contacts on their messaging systems like Venmo or PayPal that can move across international borders. Facebook is silently working on a coin that user of WhatsApp could send to friends and family instantly, according to a latest report from The New York Times. Continue reading “Facebook said to be in talks with crypto exchanges for listing its crypto coin for WhatsApp”
Telegram 5.4 brings autoplaying videos, automatic download settings, multiple accounts for iOS and more
Telegram is gaining a new update which brings a host of new features including auto-playing smaller videos; smaller videos will start playing without sound. To unmute them, simply press the volume buttons on your device. Furthermore, it also gets new auto-download settings to control your data usage. Continue reading “Telegram 5.4 brings autoplaying videos, automatic download settings, multiple accounts for iOS and more”
Telegram V5.3 update brings motion and blur effects to backgrounds
Telegram is gaining a new update bringing with it chat background where you can now search the web for wallpapers, add effects and then share your backgrounds with friends via links. Telegram backgrounds now support motion and blur effects. You can also set any color as your background, apply a pattern and more. Continue reading “Telegram V5.3 update brings motion and blur effects to backgrounds”
Telegram v5.2 update expands group limit to 200,000 members, ability to recover deleted chats and more
Telegram is bringing new group permissions which would allow admins to restrict all members from posting specific kinds of content. Or even restrict members from sending messages altogether. Telegram is bumping up the group limit to 200,000 members. Continue reading “Telegram v5.2 update expands group limit to 200,000 members, ability to recover deleted chats and more”
Telegram Messenger for Android and iOS updated with support for custom languages, Instant View 2.0 and more
Telegram’s Translations Platform allows you to suggest a better wording for Telegram interfaces in any language. The company has pushed out an update which brings equal treatment to the smaller linguistic communities around the world. Anyone can now use the translation platform to create their own custom language packs – and translate Telegram into any minority language or local dialect. Continue reading “Telegram Messenger for Android and iOS updated with support for custom languages, Instant View 2.0 and more”
Instagram said to be testing on feature that would share your location history with Facebook
Instagram is said to be prototyping a new privacy setting that would allow it to share your location history with Facebook. Meaning, your exact GPS coordinates can be collected by Instagram, even when you’re not using the app, which would helo Facebook to push targetted ads and recommend you relevant content. Continue reading “Instagram said to be testing on feature that would share your location history with Facebook”
Telegram updated with chat export tool, Telegram passport improvements, Exceptions in Notification and more
Telegram, a cloud-based instant messaging and voice over IP service has rolled out an update lately bringing an array of distinctive features including chat export tool, improved password hashing algorithm, new “Exception” section in notification settings, improved Telegram passport and more. Continue reading “Telegram updated with chat export tool, Telegram passport improvements, Exceptions in Notification and more”
Telegram 4.9 brings ‘Passport’ that securely stores and shares identification documents
Telegram today has introduced a new feature; Telegram Passport a unified authorization method for services that require personal identification. Once you upload the documents, you can share the data with services that require a real-world ID. Continue reading “Telegram 4.9 brings ‘Passport’ that securely stores and shares identification documents”
Telegram update brings replace media, vCards sharing, mark as unread, 2X voice messages, and more
Telegram is receiving a new update bringing the version number to 4.8.3 for iOS and 4.8.10 for Android, and this brings several nifty features and improvements. Continue reading “Telegram update brings replace media, vCards sharing, mark as unread, 2X voice messages, and more”
Telegram crosses 200 million monthly active users, gets sticker search, Multi-Shot sending and more
Telegram just announced that it has crossed 200,000,000 or 200 million monthly active users and is also rolling out a new update to Android and iOS bringing new features like sticker search, Multi-Shot sending, connected websites, and more. Continue reading “Telegram crosses 200 million monthly active users, gets sticker search, Multi-Shot sending and more”