Telegram 4.7 brings themes, multiple accounts, quick replies and more

Telegram Update

Telegram has rolled out a new update to its app which brings the version number 4.7. The new update brings several new features like the themes to change the look and feel of the U.I, multiple accounts with different phone numbers under one roof, quick replies in a chat.  Continue reading “Telegram 4.7 brings themes, multiple accounts, quick replies and more”

Google Keyboard v5.1 with multiple theme options hits Play Store

Google keyboard 5.1

Earlier in May, Google Keyboard was updated to v5.0 with one-handed mode, new gestures, UI tweaks and more. Now, the latest update which bumps Google Keyboard to v5.1 brings multiple themes and the ability to use your own images as a background.

Continue reading “Google Keyboard v5.1 with multiple theme options hits Play Store”

Google releases Star Wars themes for its apps – Choose between the Light Side or Dark Side


Google, like most of us, are fans of Star Wars. With the release of Episode VII scheduled to release next month, they have decided to release themes for their apps that celebrate one of the most famous movie franchises of all time.

Continue reading “Google releases Star Wars themes for its apps – Choose between the Light Side or Dark Side”

Download FAN97 Nokia N97 Theme for Nokia 5800 only on FoneArena

We can’t wait for the Nokia N97 . We are restless like you all. So we decided to make a Nokia N97 Theme for the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic which is one of the most popular touchscreen Nokia phones.

The theme is called FAN 97 and is meant for all the N97 fans out there !

Continue reading “Download FAN97 Nokia N97 Theme for Nokia 5800 only on FoneArena”

Download Sony Ericsson Theme Creator for Windows

Great news from Sony Ericsson Mobile users .. They just launched a Free Software for Windows that lets you

create Themes on your PC for free. The software is called Sony Ericsson Theme Creator

Its available as a free download from the sony website and its just under 10MB


It works only on Windows .. Sorry Linux and Mac users ..

We tested the software on Windows XP and its looks interesting

Looks like all SE phones running their Proprietary OS are supported Continue reading “Download Sony Ericsson Theme Creator for Windows”