How to verify bank account number in India using BHIM App

When we have to send money to someone’s bank account, we always have a doubt if the account number and other details are accurate.  The worst case is when you have sent the money to an incorrect account and can’t get the money back. In this guide, we will tell you how you can easily verify and check the account number in India using BHIM app for free online.

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Guide : Blackberry Plans , Tariffs and Customer Support Numbers

FoneArena reader Anirudh is a Blackberry addict as you can see from above image he sent us. He has a shared a list of Blackberry Tips ,  Plans , Tariffs , Customers Support details including how to activate the Blackberry service on your handset.

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Guide to Survive on Low Mobile Phone Battery

Do you remember that moment when you were expecting an important phone call or that SMS from your friend .. Or you are stuck in traffic and try to browse the internet ..  and you phone screen shows the Low Battery Sign .. Damn irritating isnt it ?

Well I myself end up on a low battery on my phone and curse myself when the phone switches off ..

We all charge our mobile phones daily or once in a couple of days .. Well that is the battery life of most phones in the market. Sometimes you might forget to charge your mobile phones and you might not have access to a charger.
I wrote this Guide so that you can Survive on Low Battery for a longer duration .. Your phone would eventually die due to lack of power but some tips to help you squeeze that last electron from the Lithium Ion Cell ..