Twitter for Android and iPhone to get photo tagging and multiple photo upload

Twitter for iPhone multiple photo upload

Twitter has started rolling out two new features for the Android and iPhone apps. The photo tagging feature would let you tag up to 10 people in photos. Another feature is option to upload up to four images in a Tweet at a time. “Tagging doesn’t affect character count in the Tweet — you can tag up to 10 people in a photo and still have all 140 characters at your disposal”, says Twitter. Continue reading “Twitter for Android and iPhone to get photo tagging and multiple photo upload”

Twitter for Android and iPhone updated with in-line image and video previews

Twitter for Android and iPhone previews

Twitter has updated both the Android (v 4.1.9) and iPhone (v5.12) apps with a new in-line preview. Now, Tweets that have images posted via Twitter and videos will be available in-line. You can just tap to see more of the photo or play the video. You can turn off the image previews from the settings. You can also reply, retweet or favorite a Tweet easily from your timeline just by a tap. Twitter for Android and iPhone got conversations view back in August. Continue reading “Twitter for Android and iPhone updated with in-line image and video previews”

Twitter for Android and iPhone updated with new conversations view

Twitter for Android and iPhone new Converastions view

Twitter has updated both the Android (v 4.1.6)and iPhone (v5.10) apps with a new conversation view. Now, Tweets that are part of a conversation are shown in chronological order. Up to three Tweets are shown in a sequence in the home timeline, once you tap a Tweet, you can see all the replies, including those from people you don’t follow. Both these app also get new notification settings and the Android app now lets you report tweets as spam. Continue reading “Twitter for Android and iPhone updated with new conversations view”

Twitter updates its mobile apps, Android version goes HOLO


Twitter, the world’s only realtime social network has updated its mobile apps today. It includes a major update for Android and minor updates for Twitter for iPhone and the mobile web app. The main improvement of the Android app is that it has finally went HOLO, the design language that Google has been preaching to third party devs since 4.0 ICS, with blessings from lead designer Matias Duarte. Minor improvements to all the apps is that they get improved cards support with deep linked app links inside the details page.

Continue reading “Twitter updates its mobile apps, Android version goes HOLO”

Twitter for Android, iPhone and iPad updated with improved Search and Discover features

Twitter for Android, iPhone, iPad and the mobile web app has been updated that brings enhanced Discover and Search features that provides a single stream of content in each tab.  Search and Discover features for these Twitter apps have been constantly improving, these apps got instant discovery and photos, videos and news highlight in an update back in November. This new update would offer simpler searching and easier discovery experience. Continue reading “Twitter for Android, iPhone and iPad updated with improved Search and Discover features”

Twitter for Android and iPhone updated with Photo Editor and Filters

Twitter has updated the Android and iPhone  apps that brings photo filters and option to enhance photos with auto fix and crop. This feature is powered by Aviary. Photo filters are already available in Instagram and Snapseed apps for Android and iPhone. The Instagram app was released for Android earlier this year and the iPhone app got a major update today. The Snapseed photo editing app was released last week for Android and iOS app went free. Continue reading “Twitter for Android and iPhone updated with Photo Editor and Filters”

Twitter for Android, iPhone and iPad updated with better Discover and Search features

Twitter for Android, iPhone and iPad has received a new update that brings new features that lets you discover photos and articles in your twitter stream without a tap in Discover and search results. Search has been improved that now highlights the photos, videos and news shared on Twitter. Continue reading “Twitter for Android, iPhone and iPad updated with better Discover and Search features”

Twitter for Android and iPhone updated with Push notifications for Tweets, Expanded Tweets and more

Twitter has updated the Android app to version 3.3 and iPhone app to version 4.3 that brings new features such as Push notifications for Tweets, Expanded Tweets,  Search auto-complete and more new features. The Twitter for iPhone update changelog leaked earlier this week. Continue reading “Twitter for Android and iPhone updated with Push notifications for Tweets, Expanded Tweets and more”

Twitter for iPhone and Android updated, brings activity in discover tab, better search and more

Twitter for iPhone has been updated to version 4.2 and the Android app has been updated to version 3.2 with lots of new features. Both the apps now have Activity on Discover tab that shows which Tweets are favorited or retweeted by the people you follow, Search feature now has suggestions for different spellings and related terms, auto complete for searches in Connect tab and more. Continue reading “Twitter for iPhone and Android updated, brings activity in discover tab, better search and more”

Twitter for iPhone and Android updated, brings Swipe shortcuts and lots of new features

Twitter has updated their iPhone and Android apps with lots of new features. Both the apps have Swipe shortcut that lets you reply, retweet, favorite or share it, or view the Twitter user’s profile just by swiping without leaving your timeline. Find friends now provides confirmation alert before uploading your contacts’ email addresses and phone numbers to add new friends. Continue reading “Twitter for iPhone and Android updated, brings Swipe shortcuts and lots of new features”

Twitter for Android and iPhone gets new design and new features

Twitter for Android has been updated to version 3.0 and the Twitter for iPhone gets updated to version 4.0 that brings new design and new tabs such as Home tab to view all the tweets, Connect tab to view your interactions and mentions, Discover tab to search for tweets, view stories and trends and Me tab to view your tweets, followers, following, lists, DMs and saved searches. Continue reading “Twitter for Android and iPhone gets new design and new features”