Alibaba buys Chinese mobile browser maker UCWeb

Alibaba has acquired mobile browser maker UC Web for an undisclosed sum. The Chinese e-commerce giant already owned 66 percent of UC Web, maker of the popular UC Browser. The deal is said to be a mixture of cash and stock. Both of the companies are touting the deal as biggest deal in Chinese internet history.

UC Browser 500 million Continue reading “Alibaba buys Chinese mobile browser maker UCWeb”

UC Browser on Windows Phone now supports background downloads


UC Browser, one of the best third party browsers on Windows Phone has received an update to support background downloads. The default browser – Internet Explorer doesn’t even support downloads, but UC browser shone as the only third party browser on Windows Phone that could, and it downloaded any file type, even MP3s and let you save them inside your Xbox music app. Previously, one needed to wait for the download to get completed before moving on to another app, but that was mainly due to a reasonable restriction on tightly integrated OSes like Windows Phone and iOS. But since WP8 and more recently GDR3, Microsoft has been a bit lenient and had opened up more options for developers to take advantage of. UC Browser does exactly that by allowing background downloads for the first time on Windows Phone.

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UCWeb jumps over Opera to become India’s most used mobile browser

UCWeb has announced that it has become India’s most used mobile browser with a market share of 31%. Based on statistics by research firm Statcounter, the company reports that it has now surpassed the erstwhile champion ie Opera Mobile.


The company has achieved this within a span of just 3 years and is introducing a range of interesting features to provide a lot of added value to users. It’s partnership with Trend Micro announced in May 2013 is one such move that is aimed to provide enhanced security related features like alerts for malicious content. The company also employs server side compression to provide a faster browsing experience. Continue reading “UCWeb jumps over Opera to become India’s most used mobile browser”

UC Web announces partnership with Trend Micro for in-browser mobile web safety assessment

Over at the Global Mobile Internet Conference, UCWeb has announced a new partnership with global internet security expert, Trend Micro. Under the agreement, both companies will work to provide mobile web safety assessments in the browser. The aim is provide a comprehensive safety net for users of the product via cloud based security scans in the browser and also for Android apps downloaded via the UC Web browser.


Trend Micro analyzes as much as 4.46TB of data every day and has identified 350,000 high risk Android applications. This number is further expected to grow by 400% to 1.4 million in 2013.


UC Web with a global userbase in excess of 400 million and with 200 million daily registered clicks aims to provide comprehensive cloud based security for its users through its partnership with Trend Micro. The technology in question is Trend Micro’s Application Reputation Service (MARS) that works with both websites and Android applications. The service has analyzed close to 3 million Android apps to date with about 560,000 of them being flagged as malicious. UC Web has added the feature to version 7.4 of its browser making it the world’s first ‘secure mobile browser’.Considering the browser’s popularity in developing markets, the move is a welcome addition. Available for all major platforms, click through to try out UC Web Browser on your Android phone.

Disclaimer : UC Web sponsored our travel and stay during GMIC