BestBuy Announces Music Cloud Service

Looks like all the clouds are gearing up to store your music, with BestBuy launching its own Cloud Music service called the ‘Music Cloud’. The Cloud storage has become the latest trend, with the Amazon, Google and Apple already announcing their own versions of the cloud music services. Continue reading “BestBuy Announces Music Cloud Service”

Unlocked Apple iPhone 4 Available for $649 in USA

As we told you yesterday about the Apple iPhone 4 Unlocked arriving across all the Apple stores in the USA. The unlocked iPhone 4 is finally available for purchase at the online Apple store in USA. Since the launch of the phone in June 2010, the unlocked iPhone 4 was not available in any of the Apple stores in US officially and customers had to purchase it along with a carrier data plans offered by AT&T and Verizon. There was an option to get the phone without a contract by paying a similar price tag but the device was still locked to AT&T. Continue reading “Unlocked Apple iPhone 4 Available for $649 in USA”

T-Mobile Sidekick 4G leaked

I think there are still some T-Mobile Sidekick fans out there, and if you are reading this then I have good news for you. As most of you may know that T-Mobile CEO officially announced a few days ago that they will launch the Samsung Vibrant 4G and the Sidekick 4G soon. Continue reading “T-Mobile Sidekick 4G leaked”

Unlocked Palm Pre 2 Now Available In US For $449.99

Palm Pre 2 is finally available for purchase in the US. Palm Pre 2 is the successor of Palm Pre and it is the first device which runs on the HP’s latest operating system, the webOS 2.0.

We have a good news for those, who were eagerly waiting for the HP’s latest smartphone, the Palm Pre 2, in the US. Last week we posted that, an unlocked version of the Palm Pre 2 will be soon available in the US. Finally the unlocked version of this handset is available for purchase. Continue reading “Unlocked Palm Pre 2 Now Available In US For $449.99”