GoPro Hero 5 live images, specs and user manual surface

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GoPro is working on next generation action camera. Alleged live images, user manual and specs of the GoPro Hero 5 have surfaced in various leaks. A Japanese blog Nokishita has posted live images of the GoPro 5.

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Nokia N8 User Manual shows up

Most of us never bother about the user manual which comes with a phone. But when it’s the user manual of a phone which is coming soon and packs a lot of goodies you are bound to get excited !

The Nokia N8 manual was found on the FCC website and there are a lot of interesting things. It might be the first phone to support memory sticks (if we are right). You can actually plug in your pen drive into the N8 and transfer files.  We have embedded the whole PDF after the break . Do take a look.

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