HTC Vive Focus standalone VR with Snapdragon 835, dual 6DoF controllers announced


HTC VIVE has introduced the VIVE Focus Plus which is its newest premium virtual reality standalone hardware for enterprise customers. Vive upgraded the existing six degrees of freedom (6DoF) Focus headset to incorporate dual 6DoF controllers, giving users the ability to seamlessly interact with their virtual environment with the same freedom as PC VR devices. Continue reading “HTC Vive Focus standalone VR with Snapdragon 835, dual 6DoF controllers announced”

HTC Vive Focus standalone VR headset rolls out globally

At GDC 2018, HTC Vive announced that it will roll out the Vive focus to global markets later this year. Vive Focus is the first 6DOF stand-alone VR headset to be commercially available. The company is also making Vive Focus developer kits available to registered developers in most countries through the developer portal. Continue reading “HTC Vive Focus standalone VR headset rolls out globally”