Vivo introduced iQOO Neo, a mid-range smartphone with Snapdragon 845 in China in July, now it has launched iQOO Neo Snapdragon 855 Edition, said it had promised. This has a 6.39-inch Full HD+ water drop notch with 90.0% screen-to-body ratio, liquid cooling, up to 8GB of RAM, runs Android Pie, has a 12-megapixel primary rear camera with Sony IMX363 sensor, 8-megapixel ultra-wide lens and a 2-megapixel sensor for portrait shots. There is also a 16-megapixel camera on the front. Continue reading “Vivo iQOO Neo Snapdragon 855 Edition with 6.38-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, up to 8GB RAM, in-display fingerprint scanner announced”
Tag: Vivo iQOO Neo Snapdragon 855
Vivo iQOO Neo Snapdragon 855 Edition with 6.38-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, up to 8GB RAM, UFS 3.0 to be announced on October 24
Vivo introduced iQOO Neo, a mid-range smartphone with Snapdragon 845 in China back in July, now it has started teasing the iQOO Neo Snapdragon 855 Edition, which will also come with 256GB UFS3.0. TENAA certification reveals a 16-megapixel front camera instead of 12-megapixel in the 845 edition. Continue reading “Vivo iQOO Neo Snapdragon 855 Edition with 6.38-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, up to 8GB RAM, UFS 3.0 to be announced on October 24”