Vivo just introduced its flagship NEX series smartphone with dual displays as it had promised. The main highlight of the smartphone is its 6.39-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED screen with 91.63% screen-to-body ratio and a secondary display on the back with 5.49-inch FHD resolution. It is powered by Snapdragon 845 with 10GB of RAM and runs Android 9.0 (Pie) with Funtouch OS 4.5 on top. It has a 12-megapixel rear camera with Sony IMX363 sensor, 4-axis OIS, similar to the first-gen NEX, but this uses a 2-megapixel secondary night vision camera with 2.9μm pixel size, as well as additional TOF 3D Sensing camera for high-precision 3D depth information using 300,000 infrared points. Continue reading “Vivo NEX dual screen smartphone with Snapdragon 845, 10GB RAM, TOF 3D camera, in-display fingerprint sensor announced”
Tag: Vivo NEX 2
Vivo NEX 2 dual screen smartphone with triple rear cameras teased ahead of December 11 announcement
Vivo today teased the company’s NEX 2 dual-screen smartphone ahead of announcement on December 11th in China. This shows the phone’s almost bezel-less screen, secondary screen on the back, and more.
Vivo NEX 2 with dual displays, triple rear cameras, in-display fingerprint sensor teased, to be announced this December
Vivo introduced its NEX smartphone back in June, now after rumors, the company has started teasing the sucessor in three new videos in China. These teasers confirm dual displays for the smartphone, triple rear cameras, and a ring light around the camera.