Vivo just announced S9, the company’s latest smartphone in the S series in China, as it had promised. It packs a 6.44-inch Full HD+ AMOLED screen with 90Hz refresh rate, 180Hz touch sampling rate, up to 1300 nits brightness and 91.04% screen-to-body ratio, thanks to narrow borders, is the first smartphone to be powered by the latest MediaTek Dimensity 1100 6nm processor with support for 5G SA/NSA, VC cooling which is 30% bigger and the heat dissipation area is increased by 136% compared with the previous generation. The phone packs up to 12GB of RAM, 64MP rear camera, 8MP ultra wide-angle camera along with a 2MP mono camera. Continue reading “Vivo S9 with 6.44-inch FHD+ AMOLED 90Hz display, Dimensity 1100, 44MP + 8MP dual front cameras and S9e announced”