vivo launched the vivo T3 Ultra smartphone in India last week. As promised, the phone went on sale in the country today, September 19th at 7PM during the Big Billion Day live commerce on Flipkart, vivo India e-store and all partner retail stores. Continue reading “vivo T3 Ultra goes on sale in India with launch offers”
Tag: vivo T3 Ultra
vivo T3 Ultra with 6.78″ 1.5K 120Hz AMOLED display, Dimensity 9200+ launched in India starting at Rs. 31,999
vivo just launched the vivo T3 Ultra, the company’s latest smartphone in the T3 series in India, as it had promised. It packs a 6.78-inch FHD+ 120Hz 60° curved AMOLED display with up to 4500 nits peak brightness and a 50MP autofocus front camera. Continue reading “vivo T3 Ultra with 6.78″ 1.5K 120Hz AMOLED display, Dimensity 9200+ launched in India starting at Rs. 31,999”
vivo T3 Ultra launching in India on September 12
Update: vivo has confirmed the launch of the T3 Ultra 5G smartphone in India on September 12th. vivo has also confirmed Dimensity 9200+ with 1.6 million+ scores, 6.77″ 1.5K 120Hz curved AMOLED screen and IP68 ratings for the phone. Continue reading “vivo T3 Ultra launching in India on September 12”