Vivo launched its V15 Pro smartphone in India last month for Rs. 28990. It has triple rear cameras that includes a 48-megapixel 1/2.25″ main sensor (12MP Effective Pixel) with f/1.8 aperture, which should be ISOCELL Bright GM1 sensor, 5-megapixel depth sensor with f/2.4 aperture, 8-megapixel AI 120-degree Super wide angle camera with f/2.2 aperture. Similar to most of the phones with 48MP sensor, this uses ‘four-in-one pixel’ technology to combine four adjacent pixels into a single 1.6μm large pixel. It has a 32-megapixel pop-up front camera with Samsung ISOCELL GD1 sensor with f/2.0 aperture.