Vivo just launched its V19 smartphone in India as it had promised. It packs a 6.44-inch FULL HD+ Super AMOLED Ultra-O display that houses a 32MP camera and an 8MP ultra-wide camera. It is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 712 SoC paired with 8GB of RAM, Copper Tube Liquid Cooling for heat dissipation and features a glass sandwich design. The phone packs a 48MP main camera along with an 8MP wide-angle cameras, as well as 2MP depth and a 2MP macro sensor. Continue reading “Vivo V19 with 6.44-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED display, 48MP quad rear cameras, 32MP dual front cameras launched in India starting at Rs. 27990”
Tag: Vivo V19 price
Vivo V19 with 6.44-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED display, 48MP quad rear cameras, 32MP dual front cameras announced
Vivo launched the vivo V17 smartphone late last year in India with a Super AMOLED display, 32MP in-screen camera, and more. The successor to that smartphone i.e., vivo V19 was set to be announced last month but got delayed due to the COVID-19 crisis. After delays, vivo has now announced the global variant of vivo V19 smartphone with 48MP quad rear cameras, 32MP dual front camera, and more.