vivo just launched the V23 and V23 Pro smartphones in India, as it had announced. These pack a 6.44-inch flat and 6.56-inch curved FHD+ 90Hz refresh rate screen, respectively. The V23 is the first phone to be powered by Dimensity 920 SoC in India, and the Pro model is powered Dimensity 1200. Both these pack a 50MP autofocus selfie camera with eye AF and 8MP 105° ultra-wide cameras and Dual-Tone Spotlight flash. Continue reading “vivo V23 and V23 Pro with FHD+ 90Hz AMOLED display, up to 12GB RAM, 50MP eye AF dual selfie cameras launched in India starting at Rs. 29990”
Tag: vivo V23
vivo V23 5G and V23 Pro 5G launching in India on January 5
After teasers, vivo today confirmed the launch of vivo V23 Series 5G smartphones – V23 and V23 Pro 5G, in India on January 5th. The teaser shows V23 with a flat screen with a metal frame and the V23 Pro with a curved screen. Continue reading “vivo V23 5G and V23 Pro 5G launching in India on January 5”