Vivo is all set to launch V5 Plus in India on January 23rd. The smartphone went official earlier this week. Now the selfie-focused phone is available for pre-order through retail stores in India, according to Mumbai-based retailer Mahesh Telecom. The main highlight of the phone is its 20-megapixel front-facing camera with Sony IMX376 1/2.78″ sensor, f/2.0 aperture and an 8-megapixel secondary font-facing camera for capturing depth information. Continue reading “Vivo V5 Plus with 20MP + 8MP dual front cameras now available for pre-order in India for Rs. 27980”
Tag: Vivo V5 Plus price
Vivo V5 Plus with 20MP + 8MP dual front cameras, Snapdragon 625 and V5 Lite official
Vivo launched V5, its latest selfie-focused smartphone in the ‘V series’ in India last year with a 20-megapixel front-facing camera. It already teased the V5 Plus, which will launch in India on January 23rd. The smartphone went on pre-order in Malaysia recently, now the smartphone has gone official on Vivo website along with the V5 Lite, a mid-range selfie-focused smartphone. Continue reading “Vivo V5 Plus with 20MP + 8MP dual front cameras, Snapdragon 625 and V5 Lite official”
Vivo V5 Plus specs detailed ahead of India launch – 20MP + 8MP dual front cameras, Snapdragon 625, 4GB RAM
Vivo launched V5, a selfie-focused smartphone in the ‘V series’ in India last year with a 20-megapixel front-facing camera with Sony IMX376 1/2.78″ sensor, f/2.0 aperture and 5p lens. It already teased the high-end version called the V5 Plus during the launch, later it announced that it will launch the phone in India on January 23rd. Now the phone is available for pre-order in Malaysia and the specifications of the smartphone are detailed.