Vivo just launched V5s, the company’s latest selfie-focused smartphone in the ‘V series’ in India, few months after launching the V5 smartphone in the country. It has a 20-megapixel front-facing camera with Sony IMX376 1/2.78″ sensor, f/2.0 aperture and 5p lens. It also has ‘Moonlight Glow’ that induces a natural glow on the face that lights up the picture irrespective of the lighting conditions. Continue reading “Vivo V5s with 20MP front camera, 4GB RAM, 64GB storage launched in India for Rs. 18990”
Tag: Vivo V5s price
Vivo V5s selfie-focused smartphone launching in India on April 27
Vivo has sent out invites for the launch of V5s, successor of last year’s V5 smartphone in India on April 27th. The teaser says that it will be a selfie-focused smartphone, similar to the predecessor so it could pack a similar 20MP front-facing camera. Continue reading “Vivo V5s selfie-focused smartphone launching in India on April 27”