Vivo just launched V7+, the company’s latest mid-range selfie-focused smartphone in India. It has a 5.99-inch (1440 x 720 pixels) FullView display with 18:9 aspect ratio, narrow bezels and 84.4% screen-to-body ratio and a 24-megapixel front-facing camera with LED flash, Face Beauty 7.0 and Portrait mode. It also has a 16-megapixel rear camera with phase-detection auto-focus (PDAF) and LED flash. Continue reading “Vivo V7+ with 5.99-inch FullView display, 24MP front camera, Snapdragon 450 launched in India for Rs. 21990”
Tag: Vivo V7 Plus India
Vivo V7+ selfie-focused smartphone launching in India on September 7
Vivo just sent out invites for the launch V7+, its upcoming smartphone in the ‘V series’ and the successor of last year’s V5 Plus in India on September 7th in India. The invite says Get Ready to Capture Clear Shot Clear Moment and also says that Redefine the selfie experience with the revolutionary selfie camera that reveals that it will be a selfie-focused smartphone, similar to the predecessor. It also shows minimal bezels, but we have to wait to find out how the original phone is.
Continue reading “Vivo V7+ selfie-focused smartphone launching in India on September 7”