vivo just launched the vivo X Fold3 Pro, the company’s latest foldable smartphone in India, as it had promised. The phone has an 8.03″ 2K+ 120Hz LTPO screen with Samsung E7 material and can reach up to 4,500 nits of local peak brightness. The cover display is 6.53″ FHD+ which is also a 120Hz LTPO panel with the same 4,500 nits of peak brightness. Continue reading “vivo X Fold3 Pro with 8.03″ 2K+ foldable and 6.53″ 120Hz LTPO AMOLED displays launched in India for Rs. 1,59,999”
Tag: vivo X Fold3 Pro
vivo X Fold3 Pro launching in India on June 6
Update: vivo has confirmed the launch of vivo X Fold3 Pro foldable phone in India on June 6th. The company has highlighted the lightweight and sleek design, long-lasting hinge and more. Continue reading “vivo X Fold3 Pro launching in India on June 6”
vivo X Fold3 and X Fold3 Pro with 120Hz AMOLED foldable displays, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 / 8 Gen 3, IPX4 / IPX8 ratings announced
vivo has introduced the X Fold3 and X Fold3 Pro in China, as they had promised. These foldable phones share a similar design, including a circular rear camera housing, a carbon fiber hinge, an alert slider, and identical displays. Continue reading “vivo X Fold3 and X Fold3 Pro with 120Hz AMOLED foldable displays, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 / 8 Gen 3, IPX4 / IPX8 ratings announced”
vivo X Fold3 Pro detailed specs surface: 8.03″ 2K 120Hz LTPO foldable AMOLED display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, 5800mAh battery
A sketch and some specifications of the vivo X Fold3 series surfaced last week. At that time, the leaker Digital Chat Station said that the phone will come in standard and Pro models. Now the detailed specifications of the Pro version of the phone has surfaced. Continue reading “vivo X Fold3 Pro detailed specs surface: 8.03″ 2K 120Hz LTPO foldable AMOLED display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, 5800mAh battery”