vivo today launched the X100 series of smartphones in India. Here we have the X100 Pro, which is the successor to last year’s X90 Pro. This has a 1.5 120Hz curved AMOLED screen, faster Dimensity 9300 processor, better camera, bigger battery and lots more. We bring you the unboxing of the X100 Pro along with the first impressions of the phone. Continue reading “vivo X100 Pro Unboxing and First Impressions”
Tag: vivo X100 Pro
vivo X100 and X100 Pro launched in India starting at Rs. 63,999
vivo just launched its flagship X100 and X100 Pro smartphones in India, as it had promised. The phones feature a 6.78-inch 120Hz 1.5K 120Hz curved 8T LTPO AMOLED screen with a peak brightness of up to 3000 nits, and has 2160Hz high-frequency PWM dimming. These are powered by Dimensity 9300 SoC with up to 16GB of RAM. Continue reading “vivo X100 and X100 Pro launched in India starting at Rs. 63,999”
vivo X100 Pro : ZEISS Multifocal Portrait and Telephoto Sunshot
vivo is all set to launch the vivo X100 series smartphones in India tomorrow, January 4th. We have the vivo X100 Pro, the top-end model in the series that comes with Industry’s first ZEISS APO Certified Telephoto Camera that promises the next level of Imaging. Let us check out some of the portrait camera features of the phone. Continue reading “vivo X100 Pro : ZEISS Multifocal Portrait and Telephoto Sunshot”
vivo X100 series launching in India on January 4
Update: vivo has confirmed the launch of the X100 series in India on January 4th. Continue reading “vivo X100 series launching in India on January 4”
vivo X100 and X100 Pro with 6.78″ 1.5K 120Hz curved AMOLED display, Dimensity 9300, IP68 ratings, up to 5400mAh battery announced
vivo just introduced the X100 and X100 Pro smartphones in the new X100 series in China, as it had promised. The phones pack a 6.78-inch 1.5K 120Hz curved AMOLED screen with a peak brightness of up to 3000 nits, uses 8T LTPO technology, and has 2160Hz high-frequency PWM dimming. Continue reading “vivo X100 and X100 Pro with 6.78″ 1.5K 120Hz curved AMOLED display, Dimensity 9300, IP68 ratings, up to 5400mAh battery announced”
vivo X100 series: Dimensity 9300, 1″ camera sensor, V3 imaging chip, 5400mAh battery teased
vivo has posted the vivo X100 series in white, orange, Blue and Black colours. It has also confirmed that the phone will feature a main 1″ sensor, telephoto camera, V3 imaging chip, and it will be the first phone to be powered by MediaTek Dimensity 9300 SoC. Continue reading “vivo X100 series: Dimensity 9300, 1″ camera sensor, V3 imaging chip, 5400mAh battery teased”
vivo X100 series and vivo Watch3 to be announced on November 13
vivo just confirmed the launch of vivo X100 series that includes the vivo X100 and the vivo X100 Pro in China on November 13th, as the successor to last year’s vivo X90 series. It will also introduce the vivo Watch3, alongside running its own Blue OS operating system optimized for IoT products. Continue reading “vivo X100 series and vivo Watch3 to be announced on November 13”