vivo launched the X200 series in India today as the successor to last year’s X100 series. Here we have the X200 Pro, the top-end model in the series. This gets a brighter LTPO screen, faster processor, 200MP APO telephoto sensor which was first introduced in the X100 Ultra, ZEISS optics, and a huge 6000mAh battery. Is this the best camera phone to get in India right now? Let us dive into the review to find out. Continue reading “vivo X200 Pro Review: Solid upgrade to vivo X100 Pro”
Tag: vivo X200 Pro
vivo X200 and X200 Pro launching in India on December 12
Update: vivo has confirmed the launch of X200 series smartphone in India on December 12th. Continue reading “vivo X200 and X200 Pro launching in India on December 12”
vivo X200 and X200 Pro smartphones go global
vivo just introduced the X200 and X200 Pro smartphones for the global markets starting from Malaysia, after the phone was introduced in China last month. The vivo X200 mini is not releasing globally. Continue reading “vivo X200 and X200 Pro smartphones go global”
vivo X200 and X200 Pro global launch set for November 19
After the announcement in China last month, vivo has confirmed the launch of vivo X200 series – X200 and the X200 Pro smartphone globally on November 19th starting from Malaysia. Continue reading “vivo X200 and X200 Pro global launch set for November 19”
vivo X200, X200 Pro and X200 Pro mini announced
vivo just introduced the vivo X200, X200 Pro and X200 Pro mini smartphones in the new X200 series in China, as it had promised. The X200 has a 6.67″ 1.5K 120Hz LTPS screen, the X200 Pro and the Pro mini pack a 6.78″ / 6.31 1.5K 120Hz AMOLED screen with a peak brightness of up to 4500 nits, uses 8T LTPO technology. All these pack a 2160Hz high-frequency PWM dimming. Continue reading “vivo X200, X200 Pro and X200 Pro mini announced”
vivo X200 Pro and X200 Pro mini: Camera and design teased
After teasers, vivo’s vice president Jia Jingdong has revealed the design of the vivo X200 series phones, which will include the vivo X200 Pro and the vivo X200 Pro mini, in addition to X200, which will feature ZEISS optics, similar to the X100 series. Continue reading “vivo X200 Pro and X200 Pro mini: Camera and design teased”
Sony Lytia LYT-818 50MP 1/1.28″ sensor announced
Sony has introduced Lytia LYT-818, the company’s next top-end smartphone sensor in the LYT-800 series, after it introduced the LYT-808 last year. Continue reading “Sony Lytia LYT-818 50MP 1/1.28″ sensor announced”