Vivo has silently introduced X21i, the cheaper version of the X21 smartphone that was introduced in China in March. It has the same 6.28-inch FHD+ 19:9 Super AMOLED display with a notch, 90.3% screen-to-body ratio, 1.66mm narrow bezels on the sides, runs Android 8.1 (Oreo) with Funtouch OS 4.0, 12-megapixel primary sensor with Samsung 2L9 sensor with Dual Pixel technology along with a 5-megapixel secondary rear camera to capture the depth information, but this is powered by MediaTek Helio P60 12nm SoC. Continue reading “Vivo X21i with 6.28-inch FHD+ 19:9 AMOLED display, dual rear cameras, 6GB RAM announced”