Vivo has introduced X27 and X27 Pro smartphones at an event in China, as it had promised. The X27 has almost similar specifications as the V15 Pro that was launched in India recently, including a 6.39-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED display with 91.64% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by Snapdragon 675 or 710 depending on the model with 8GB of RAM, however this comes with a 48MP rear camera with Sony IM586 sensor, 5-megapixel secondary camera for portrait shots and a 13-megapixel camera with 120-degree wide-angle lens. It has a 16-megapixel pop-up camera on the front.
Tag: Vivo X27
Vivo X27 Pro with 6.7-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, 8GB RAM, triple rear cameras and Vivo S1 surface
We already know that Vivo is all set to introduce the X27 smartphone with triple rear cameras and a pop-up front camera in China on March 19th. Now images and specifications of the X27 Pro has surfaced. This shows a 32-megapixel pop-up camera along with flash, and a larger 6.7-inch FHD+ display with 93.16% screen-to-body ratio. As you can see in the image, the triple rear camera placement is in the middle in the X27 Pro.
Vivo X27 with 6.39-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, 8GB RAM, triple rear cameras to be announced on March 19
Vivo today confirmed that it will introduce its X27 smartphone in China on March 19th. This will feature a 6.39-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED display without a notch and 91.64% screen-to-body ratio and an in-dispaly fingerprint scanner, same as the V15 Pro that was launched in India recently. Vivo smartphone with the model number V1829A revealed a 2.2GHz SoC, which could be Snapdragon 710 compared to Snapdragon 675 on the Indian version.