Vivo just launched its X60 and X60 Pro smartphones in the new X60 series in India, as it had announced. These phones pack a 6.56-inch FHD+ HDR10+ E3 AMOLED screen with 120Hz refresh rate, 240Hz touch sampling rate and a 32MP camera inside the punch-hole, but the X60 Pro has a curved screen. The phones are powered by Snapdragon 870 SoC with support for 5G SA / NSA, feature extended RAM technology, so 8GB RAM can effectively have 11GB RAM, which is 3GB more, said the company. Continue reading “Vivo X60 and X60 Pro with 6.56-inch FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, Snapdragon 870, Zeiss optics launched in India starting at Rs. 37990”
Tag: Vivo X60
Vivo X60 and X60 Pro go global: 6.56-inch FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, Snapdragon 870, 12GB RAM, triple rear cameras with Zeiss optics
Vivo just announced X60 and X60 Pro smartphones in the new X60 series for the global markets, ahead of India launch on March 25th. The phones pack a 6.56-inch FHD+ HDR10+ E3 AMOLED screen with 120Hz refresh rate, 240Hz touch sampling rate and a 32MP camera inside the punch-hole, but the X60 Pro has a curved screen. The global version of the Vivo X60 series are powered by Snapdragon 870 SoC with support for 5G SA / NSA compared to Samsung Exynos 1080 5nm SoC in the Chinese version. These feature extended RAM technology, so 12GB RAM in X60 series can effectively have 15GB RAM, which is 3GB more, said the company.
Vivo X60 series 5G with Snapdragon 870, ZEISS optics launching in India on March 25
Vivo recently confirmed the launch of its X60 series smartphones in India on March 25th, a few days after the global launch on March 22nd. This will include the X60 and X60 Pro that were introduced in China back in December last year, but this will replace the Samsung Exynos 1080 SoC with the Snapdragon 870 for the global markets. The company is not expected to launch the X60 Pro+ model in India. Continue reading “Vivo X60 series 5G with Snapdragon 870, ZEISS optics launching in India on March 25”
Vivo X60 and X60 Pro with 6.56-inch FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, Exynos 1080, up to 12GB RAM, Zeiss optics announced
Vivo just announced X60 and X60 Pro smartphones in the new X60 series in China. The phones pack a 6.56-inch FHD+ HDR10+ E3 AMOLED screen with 120Hz refresh rate, 240Hz touch sampling rate, 32MP camera inside the punch-hole and 92.7% screen-to-body ratio. The Vivo X60 series are the first to be powered by Samsung Exynos 1080 5nm SoC with built-in 5G.
Vivo and ZEISS announce global long-term strategic partnership ahead of X60 launch, to set up vivo ZEISS Imaging Lab
vivo already started teasing the launch of its upcoming X60 series which will feature ZEISS optics. vivo and ZEISS today officially announced a strategic long-term collaboration aimed at jointly promoting and developing innovations in the field of mobile imaging technology. Continue reading “Vivo and ZEISS announce global long-term strategic partnership ahead of X60 launch, to set up vivo ZEISS Imaging Lab”