vivo has finally announced its X7 and X7 Plus smartphones in China, as it had promised. The X7 has a 5.2-inch 1080p Super AMOLED display ultra-narrow bezels and the X7 Plus has a 5.7-inch 1080p Super AMOLED display with 1.75mm ultra-narrow frame. Both these have a unibody metal design, 16-megapixel front-facing camera with f/2.0 aperture along with soft LED flash, 4GB of RAM and a fingerprint sensor embedded into the home button that can unlock the phone in 0.2 seconds. Continue reading “vivo X7 and X7 Plus 16MP front camera, Snapdragon 652, 4GB RAM announced”
Tag: vivo x7
vivo X7 with 5.2 inch display, 4GB RAM, 16MP front camera gets certified in China
vivo has been teasing its upcoming selfie focused X7 smartphone since beginning of this month. Now, the phone has been certified in China at TENAA.
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Nextbit Robin gets price cut, Google Gboard Keyboard for iOS launched and more – FoneArena Daily
Check out the new FoneArena Daily video that gives you a quick roundup of today’s technology news.
vivo X7 and X7 Plus to be announced on June 30
vivo has released an official teaser on Weibo that reveals that the company is going to announce vivo X7 and X7 Plus by the end of this month.
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vivo X7 to sport Snapdragon 652, 4GB RAM and a fingerprint sensor
Earlier this week vivo teased its selfie focused X7 smartphone. Now, the company has revealed some specifications of the phone in two new teasers from its official Weibo account.
Continue reading “vivo X7 to sport Snapdragon 652, 4GB RAM and a fingerprint sensor”