Vivo has announced Xplay6, the company’s latest flagship smartphone in the Xplay series in China, along with the X9 and X9 Plus smartphones. It has a 5.46-inch Quad HD curved display, is powered by a quad-core Snapdragon 820 processor and runs on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) with Funtouch OS 3.0. It has 12-megapixel rear camera with Sony IMX362 sensor, 1.4μm pixel size, f/1.7 aperture, 4-axis OIS, PDAF for fast focus 0.03 seconds and a secondary 5-megapixel camera for capturing depth information. Continue reading “Vivo Xplay6 with 5.46-inch Quad HD curved display, Snapdragon 820, 6GB RAM, dual rear cameras announced”