vivo just launched the Y300 5G, the company’s latest smartphone in the Y series in India, as it had promised. The phone packs a 6.67″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display with a 32MP front camera. The phone is powered by Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 SoC with 8GB of RAM and 8GB of virtual RAM. Continue reading “vivo Y300 5G with 6.67″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, 5000mAh battery, IP64 ratings launched in India starting at Rs. 21,999”
Tag: vivo Y300 5G India
vivo Y300 5G launching in India on November 21
After teasers, vivo has confirmed the launch of Y300 5G, the company’s next 5G smartphone in the ‘Y Series’ in India on November 21st. The company has revealed the design of the phone along with the brand ambassador of the series, Suhana Khan, holding the phone. Continue reading “vivo Y300 5G launching in India on November 21”